18 December 2006

Some drawings from my Thank You Notes

I mentioned before that I spoke to Ryan's class. They each wrote a Thank You note and some of them felt compelled to provide drawings. Here are my favorites:

Mwop Mwop Mwop! The Penguin Returns!

I'm wearing my flesh-colored mittens and saggy-crotch unitard...

At least I'm smiling, right?

I thought this was funny, too. A quite disinterested expression...

This was pretty funny--if you can figure out what is going on, you might be a little sick...This kid may actually need some counseling.

One possible caption was "Me teaching the kids about Satan..."

What really happened was that I was using a projector to show the kids stuff, and this particular kid stuck his Star Wars action figure under the projector camera, so it projected on the wall in front of the other kids. Unfortunately, that's what that kid remembered instead of anything I talked about.

No, I didn't wear a clown suit and galoshes to school. Seems to be pretty unanimous that my haircut is a comb-over...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HA! Those are great! I *was* wondering about the satan-on-the-wall image though ;)