20 February 2007

My Latest Home Improvement...

This isn't a "before"--more like an "in progress" shot. The "before" photo didn't get taken because the room was just so depressing--stepping out of the show onto a carpeted floor...just wasn't right. So I wrecked our house just in time for Kaitlyn's birthday party (no one knew...we kept the door closed). And dust got everywhere...

Here's the final product--worth it!

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Anonymous said...

It looks great!

Stormfilled said...

Ah my tiling has been shamed...
I couldn't do a diagonal and get it straight! Very swish!

Mike's Drumbeats said...

The "diamond" pattern was, of course, Fran's idea. Many, many more cuts than doing it "straight on".

Also, I got a great bargain on a tile saw so I wouldn't have to rent one--turns out that the 12" tiles didn't fit diagonally on there, so I had to disable every safety feature and cut each tile carefully freehand (!)

...uphill, against the wind...

...with one hand tied behind my back...


Anonymous said...

HA! What panache! What flair!

*VERY* nice job!

Anonymous said...

Looks gorgeous Mike! :)

(And - hello!)

Mike's Drumbeats said...

Hello, Everyone!

Thanks for the nice comments...

Oh, by the way, Stormfilled (if you delve into old comments, which I almost never do...), the hardware store (we have Home Depot here, which is a huge warehouse), has spacers which go in all the intersections which help get the lines to, well, line up...

And...Is that an Anon sighting? And so early in the season?!

Anonymous said...


i'll have to be quicker from now on :)