Huge storm blew through tonight--90 mph winds (hurricane force). Local storm sirens went off indicating dangerous local conditions. Then the power went out and the kids got scared. We got the flashlights out and I went to close shutters.
The sky turned green.
As I was looking out the front window, a huge gust of wind came through in a circular pattern--I don't know how to describe it except to say I could just sense the force of the wind, and I winced. Just then, the wind grabbed one of my trees in the front and twisted one of the main branches around the trunk, snapping it and hurling it to the ground with a loud "crack!".
We had to take the kids into an interior room of the house with no windows and try to get them to hang out and sit still for a little while as the worst of the storm blew through. This was one of the worst ones in recent memory, but thankfully we made it through okay.
I'm so glad you all are ok and that the tree missed the house. We were watching the weather and saw clips of how bad the storm was up there. Luckily it had weakend some by the time it hit our area and so we got lots of rain but not the high wind. I love my pine trees but man they are nerve wracking during heavy storms and high winds. We've lost three during ice and heavy wind. We had one fall a couple of months ago when the winds were gusting really high, luckily it fell along the fence line and missed our porch and the neighbors house.
Yike. When I read about things like this part of me envies extreme weather, but it's the part of me that's attached to the rest of me who's never really experienced it. The Hurricane in '87 was the closest, but I was under ten at the time and thought that it was all marvellous fun.
When we have storms here the sky goes orange. I've never seen a green sky.
I took a tour of our neighborhood today and there were at least 10 trees damaged equal to or worse than ours.
In fact, it only took me about an hour to cut the limbs into 3-foot sections so the city will haul it away.
I even cut some straight poles so Ryan and I can make hiking sticks.
Nancy--I'm glad the storms died down before they got to you...
Stormfilled--Green skies usually indicate hail--it's beautiful, in a way. And I secretly enjoy stormy weather--complete with lightning, raging winds, lights going out, etc.
PS--I want to buy one of your beautiful journals when they become available :) (seriously)
Really? What sort of size would you want? I can make sure the next one I do would be suitable. Colour preferences for marbled paper?
Yes--of course, really! My favorite color is dark blue, but I'm not sure how this would look...I would be open to what looks good...
Size would be A5, is possible. And I love the leather on the journals you posted photos of on your website...
If you would like, Email me with information about payment. (hooray!)
funny scene: me, opening microsoft word trying to figure out sizes like A5, A6, then, still not exactly able to visualize mm's without getting tired, having to run upstairs for my metric ruler, then compare with the document sizes listed...
then, contemplating the best way to send pounds...and my keyboard doesn't have that character...just $ :)
I have dark blue marbled, it's gorgeous, with flecks of blue. I'll get working on it today. It might take me a week or so to get it done (grr, work) but I'll email you pictures when it's finished, and then you can see if you like it. I'll make it with an unlined bookblock (paper bit) as it's better quality paper, and it's stitched properly.
I feel all excited!
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