04 September 2007

More Funny Kaitlyn Stuff

We're having a lot of fun getting Kaitlyn ready for her first day of preschool. She's very ready to go, and has even asked us to drive her by her school a couple of times just so she could see it again.

She is extremely smart, and has a huge vocabulary for a 3-year-old. It really freaks people out, especially people who have kids the same age. I've also noticed that she uses complex grammar correctly, including adverbs. The other day she asked me "Daddy, why does this not fit?"

She even understands very subtle semantics and inflections. We were driving in the car, and I was giving Ryan an example of how exactly the same words can mean different things. By stressing a different word in the following sentence, the meaning is changed:

I did not say he took the money.

For example:

I did not SAY he took the money.

So I went through and said it several different ways. Pausing after I gave the example "I did not say HE took the money."

After a couple of seconds, Kaitlyn piped up, "But someone else DID!"

Fran's sister told us that we're going to pick her up from her first day of preschool and they are going to have Kaitlyn report directly to 2nd grade. I guess the problem is that she is painfully age appropriate when it comes to her behavior--she has that 3-year-old (sometimes known as the "terrible threes") loose cannon trait about her, which causes her to run through the house making mess after mess. Yesterday, she brought me a glass of water and announced, "I used Whoppers instead of ice cubes!" Sure enough, there were little chocolate Whoppers floating in the glass.

We got her a "Hello Kitty" lunch box and thermos so she can take her lunch to school, and she was thrilled with it, hugging it and strapping it to her shoulder. After a few minutes, she came up to us and asked "Are you also going to get me a 'Good Bye, Kitty' lunchbox?"

Lately she's been enjoying watching the Disney movie "The Lion King". She runs around the house singing songs from the movie, and choreographs plays, assigning us to be specific characters and then giving us our lines to say.

"Daddy, you be Scar. Say, 'I'm going to get you, Simba!'"

"I'm going to get you, Simba!"

"Ahhhhhh!" And she runs away.

Fran made her dinner last night, including some sliced cantalope (melon).

After a minute, Kaitlyn told her:

"Mommy, say, 'Simba, would you like some fresh antelope?"

And yes, she knew that was funny.


Stormfilled said...

She sounds so great! Rather like my little Cousin O, but progressing rather faster. I have fifteen year olds who can't hear inflections in sentences...

Mike's Drumbeats said...

Yes, I am a silly, proud Dad...:)

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, she does sound fab! :)