26 March 2006

Positive Spin

Saturday morning I was driving to help my brother, Patrick, move into his (congratulations!) first new home.

I had to drive through the skyscrapers of downtown Dallas and, subsequently, a very unsavory area before getting to the apartment at the origin of the move. Flying along on the highway, I was shocked and outraged when the woman in the beat-up baby-blue coupe in front of me tossed a folded over can of grape soda out the window--it bounced along the highway off the shoulder.

I was pretty pissed off at the lady-not mad enough to get shot over it by pulling beside her and shooting her the finger or anything (I really don't do that kind of thing in real life, just mentally sometimes).

Then I thought that it was as if that woman just bought some poor bum a shot of Mad Dog 20/20. I started smiling and then chuckling to myself, and felt a lot better about the whole situation.

1 comment:

gP said...

dallas...could be one of the first US cities i ever saw on tv long long ago...