20 October 2006

Fifteen Years

Yesterday was a crisp, October day just like the day we were married in 1991...The years just seem to have flown by.

There was lots of controversy back then--we were very young, so we were trying to make everyone else happy on our wedding day. We had a formal ceremony with 250 people in attendance at a church. A choir sang the chorus that the nuns sing at the beginning of "The Sound of Music"--Guess I never thought of the irony until now...

Gar was the best man--Nancy was the maid of honor. They hardly knew each other then, but eleven years later and after a series of left turns, they ended up marrying each other--weird, huh?

We went away on our honeymoon to Cancun--we went on a snorkeling trip and I saw a moray eel eyeing me from about about two feet away. The place where we were snorkeling? AKA The Island of the Sleeping Sharks. It was great--I did my first (and last) "tequila shooters" on a sailboat cruise across the lagoon--luckily, I didn't fall off the boat.

Yesterday we had a nice quiet celebration at home with the kids. I broke out our wedding pictures and tried to get them interested, but they both wandered off after about 1 minute. Ryan did manage to pause in front of one posed portrait of about ten people and ask "Are all those people dead now?" A kid's perspective of 15 years...

I got Fran some Cadbury chocolates, sapphire earrings, a blank recipe book (she loves to cook and make up gourmet recipes, which are almost always incredible). I got her some other stuff, too. The significant thing is the really nice card that I got her. After I gave it to her, I had to comment "Sorry the front of your card looks like a scene from 'The Mothman Prophecies!' "

She replied, "You think everything looks like the Moth man! I swear, that movie freaked you out!"

You know what? I think she's right--I never realized how much that movie traumatized me.

We were supposed to go to Hawaii--we would have been there last week when the earthquake hit, so I guess that's some kind of weird good luck, from a slightly twisted perspective.

We've had lots of laughs and a lot of good things happen. I hope others can have the same happiness that we've had.

What's past is prologue. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

gP said...