09 October 2006

The Messiest Office I Have Ever Seen...

Surreptitiously snapped as I slinked by the open door... Posted by Picasa


Stormfilled said...

That's quite frightening. That's not even knowing where things are when it's your own office messy.

I want to tidy it.

Anonymous said...

Ah, the old "stack and pile" filing system- Glad to see that there is someone else out there who has worse stacks than me...

Now I feel slightly better about my stacks when we worked you know where.

Mike's Drumbeats said...

Wow--a sighting of the rare Nanarminda comment! (Wife of the world-famous Gar!) It took a desk THIS messy to prompt you, huh?

This office should NOT make you feel better.

They say that alcohol kills brain cells--well, I wish I could target a few of those neurons that hold any memory of that crazy job we had.

Anyway, thanks for the comment--Give us a call sometime!


Mike's Drumbeats said...

Oh, Stormfilled, you may be touched if this sight makes you want to tidy it.

Do you pray to St. Jude (patron saint of lost causes)?

I guess you have the "fight" response--I felt the urge to run...

gP said...

that is total mess bro!

Stormfilled said...

St Jude is a favourite!

Anonymous said...

Luckily, through a twelve step program, I have been able to defeat my urge to "stack and pile". I have even mastered the art of file folders and labels and have a nice tidy file cabinet to show for it!
Ah well, even though it was a crazy job, I did learn quite a lot, both good and bad. Plus gained a wonderful husband out of the deal so I won't complain about it too much. I just try to see the humor of it all. I was definitely one of the lucky ones in that I didn't have as much invested in it as others had. It definitely makes the jobs I've had since seem like a cake walk and in comparison stress free.
Just wanted you to know that I very rarely go a day or so without checking your blog out but I admit I am terrible about leaving any comments. I enjoy reading your writings and find it an easy, albeit lazy way, to keep up with what is going on with you and Fran. Definitely need to get together soon!