20 November 2006

All No Work and No Play Makes Hiram a Dull Boy...

Fran's been checking out all these weird books from the library and reading them. She brings home a bag of 7-10 books every week or two, and reads through them quickly. I'm starting to be convinced that she's just run out of options and is scraping the bottomo of the barrel for something to read.

Currently on her nightstand: "The Shunning", complete with dramatic, swooning Amish girl on the front.

I asked her if the book ends with someone going nuts in the barn and hacking down the door with a butter churn....


Stormfilled said...

Perhaps she needs a new list of authors to try? I would recommend Neil Gaiman, Alice Hoffman, Jonathan Carroll, Daphne du Maurier, and Susanna Clarke.

Mike's Drumbeats said...

Number of people I've told this to as a joke: 4

Number of people who found this even remotely funny: 0

Oh, well...

Anonymous said...

well, not exactly true....just a "bit" preoccupied lately, but this *did* appeal to my warped sense 'o humor.
The churn threw me a bit tho' ;)