13 November 2006

Special Delivery

Posted by Picasa When I went to get the mail last Friday, this magazine, wrapped in a clear plastic bag (to protect it from stray drooling), winked up at me, wedged amongst piles of bills and Christmas ads.

It's funny that Ryan really doesn't have a taste for candy. This Halloween, when we dug out his bag for trick-or-treating (for my non-American acquaintences, please let me know if you don't follow me here...) it was still full of candy from last year that he a) never ate and b) never missed.

Kaitlyn, however, makes up for his lack of a sweet tooth. She often wakes up saying "I want chocolate!" We have a little bag of Hershey's kisses, and we give her one when she craves chocolate. It turns out that she probably has inherited it from me, but sometimes I like to think it at least partly comes from her native Mexican ancestry--you know, the guys who stuff cocoa leaves in their cheeks. Well, maybe not.

At any rate, this magazine cover inspired my evil plan which I immediately set in motion.

I showed it to Kaitlyn, who was just waking up from her nap. She got excited and grabbed the book from my hands just so she could look at it. I told her, "Kaitlyn, maybe Mommy could make this for us!"

Off she ran.

Fran laughingly told me that Kaitlyn had come to her with the magazine asking her to make the chocolate bundt cake on the cover. She thought it was so cute that she saw it and thought to ask her Mommy to make it (wink). Ironically, she had everything, except for the raspberries, that was needed for the cake, so she was tempted to make it. That's the kind of mom that she is, and the reason it was a good idea to put my doll-like daughter up to presenting the proposal rather than doing it myself.

Sure enough, a picture-perfect replica sat on our kitchen table three hours later.

What a life!


Anonymous said...

ohhh, you are a verrry baaaad man!


Mike's Drumbeats said...

I'm so ashamed (*MUNCH*)
