03 May 2007

What are the odds?

I meant to write about this before now.

Fran got a a part-time job working during market shows at the World Trade Center. She works in a very elegant showroom, and her job is to write up orders for boutique owners who want to stock their stores--she shows them stuff like candles, quilts, furniture, etc. In the meantime, she gets to drink tea and eat finger sandwiches.

She hadn't worked for about eight years before this, and the owner of the showroom noticed her and gave her a very kind compliment.

She even spotted him and smiled a week or so later and said "hello".

Two days later, he checked into a hotel next door to the showroom building, went to the top floor, and jumped to his death, leaving his wife and 12-year-old son as survivors.

I'm not sure what else there is to say--I liked him without having met him because I was glad that he appreciated Fran's effort at work. I was proud of her for getting back into the workforce enthusiastically. Without having met him, I feel a sense of loss.

1 comment:

gP said...

life is full of eventualities, tragedies and odds.