01 January 2006

Mike's Drumbeats

When I started my blog last year, and entitled it "Mike's Drumbeats", I had this image in mind for a "logo".

It's a photo that I submitted to my Fine Arts photography course in college--I wanted a silhouette image of a guy playing a drum set, and I set up so the light would reflect off the cymbals. Essentially, I took several pictures and got the one that I wanted--a little mysterious, it's kind of a challenge to tell what is going on...

My entire class, as well as the teacher, hated this picture. I think I got a B or a C on it, and everyone else got an A. They contorted their face, turned their heads sideways, crossed their eyes, and then declared it very difficult to understand. I think the top grade in the class went to a girl who dressed up all Goth-ed out and took a self-portrait laying on a grave with her own name with a rose across her breast. At that point, I realized I would never be artistic.

But I may change the blog image to this one--I found it in the attic when I was putting 12 boxes of Christmas decorations (took a little while to cram in the 10 Lords a Leapin').


J said...

well, dude, speaking as an artist myself, i can tell you that art is subjective. i, personally, like the photo that you took and thought it was much more deserving of an A. screw what they think!!!

Mike's Drumbeats said...

Hi J--

How're things in NYC?

Thanks a lot for dropping by, and for responding to my shameless pandering for approval :)

Of course, I really like this one, too--Isn't it funny how when you first learn about art the people who draw inside the lines are considered the most artistic?

I'm going to check your blog out more--I think I linked from Michelle's blog before...
