22 July 2005


My contacts are starting to get foggy--I tuned in my Ipod expecting to hear "Hey Ya" by Outkast and got "Hey You" by Pink Floyd. Oh, well--it brought back a memory.

I went to a Pink Floyd concert when I was a teenager (maybe '86 or '87)--it was sweet! I think I may have been the only one there that wasn't stoned, including, of course, the band. I was actually working in the concession stand to pay for a trip to Boston later that year, but when the band was playing practically no one came out, so I was able to go watch the band and the laser show. I remember seeing the lasers carving cool figures into the smoke...

I also joked that they only played 4 songs--they were just 45 minutes each.

Lasik isn't in the plan just yet. I'm limping by with one final pair of disposable contacts. My prescription is three years old, and I need to get in for another one. My eyes start getting tired and I have to stop reading every night when they just wear out. It doesn't stop me from writing, though, because I'm sure you can see that I don't proofread very well.

Contacts are a little bit of a scam, don't you think? I think the optometrists mark them up a lot, so they get a little defensive when you tell them you're going to order them online. And some companies won't let you order them without a prescription that's under 1 year old (Thank you, Canada!).

I only got my contacts so I could go hunting and not have to mess around with glasses. Little did I know that in the heat they can slide out of your eyes and in the cold they can fog up and practically freeze. Oh well. Here's a little secret--I used to have this terrible fear of touching my eye, so in the first year of contacts, Fran had to put them in my eyes for me--it was a whole production that took about 20 minutes. Isn't that pitiful? I would have to carry around a pair of glasses, so when something happened to my contacts I would have to switch to glasses because I just couldn't put them in!

Yes, I'm a basket case, sometimes...

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