27 July 2005


First of all, I have to say "Congratulations!!!" to Nate and Nicole. Nicole is my sister (half-sister) that I met for the first time last year (actually, just found out about her last year). Nicole is a neat girl, and now she's hitched, so there's that. Nate is a super-smart, fly-fishing, ex-bull rider, scientist, so he can catch a fish (by kicking it's ass if necessary) and then diagram it's molecular makeup--which, I guess, could come in handy...

I met them in Idaho and they took me around town. At the time, I thought "Basque" was what you did in the sun when you were trying to get a tan...I guess it's a food...and something about a bunch of kids dancing and stuff...

Nate tied me this cool fishing fly for Christmas--the "Green-Butt Skunk". I didn't even get offended--I mean, how was he supposed to know that was my unfortunate nickname in college? Seriously, it's very cool--I keep it right by my desk.

Then we went in a record store. Gotta say, they have some funky taste in music, but I dig some of it! but they can have my Rolling Stones and Jimi Hendrix when they pry it....(out my my hands).

Well, they're both hilarious and cool and hard-working and they make a great couple. They were married last Saturday in Seattle on the beach. Congratulations, you guys, and good luck!

1 comment:

Nicole said...