11 July 2005

Haiku II

Don't know why I'm feeling poetic today ( as poetic as I can get). Maybe it's because I'm reading Shogun, but I feel compelled to retry haiku's, this time seriously, instead of my previous sarcastic poems. So, here they are: poems about a sunset I saw the other day, fly fishing (inspired by Nate's blog), the Texas summer, a field of wildflowers I saw this year, my fear of snakes, an armadillo that once tried to walk over my legs while I was deer hunting and sitting on the ground, and the Texas hill country. Hope you enjoy!

Staring intently
yellow, beaming sun; lands, brown
yawn passive replies

Blue cool river nymph
your sheen, blinding, shielding fruit
How to unlock you?

Thy plains are mighty;
waves of grass on dry ocean
grace serene sunsets

Wad'ling awkwardly
you see me not; then, startled,
bolt with trembling heart

Like corals, flaming
pink, rose, orange; thin cloud wisps-
eve repeats never

Coiled fear, seeking me--
I tread slyly, seeking thee;
Cornered, I must strike

Crimson and golden,
adorning her vast apron
drying spring's hot tears

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