08 July 2005

Late Night Musings

It's late. 1:15 AM.

I'm preparing for a meeting (no I'm not--I'm blogging against my will...I originally typed "blobbing", which, arguably, is true, too).

I'm sick. I love London, and my heart is hurting today for them. I love English people--worst people at giving directions, though. If you get the "full English breakfast", that means they are going to pour pork and beans all over your eggs, so watch out for that. And they can stomach fish for breakfast, which really freaks me out (sorry I'm such a dork).

They called me "Love" and "Guv'ner" while I was there--c'mon, that's cool. I asked the woman at the flea market if the gloves that I was looking at were real wool. She answered "Yes, Love." In the words of John Lennon, "All you need is Love." It just made me warm inside.

A guy was trying to get me to go to some lame tourist attraction and told me "Hey Guv, you wouldn't want to miss that, would ya?" It was only 20 pounds, so I gave in...What the heck? I'm on vacation...

For mysterious reasons, we consider Ryan to have a link to Stonehenge (no, not that--thinking that would be kind of creepy and a little goth for me--Ryan was born 12 months later). There were 2 stones that were theorized to bring a baby if you touch them simultanously--well, I did, and here he is--it's been our private joke, up until now.

Wanna know how many countries have visited my blog? Here are some: Canada, Uraguay, Venezuela (hola!), Great Britian, Japan, India, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Sweden, Singapore, France, Turkey, The Netherlands, Brazil, Portugal, Spain--Even more--just can't remember them all.

Why am I preparing at 1:15 AM? Because a guy I work with screwed me over, again. We spoke earlier this week and he was supposed to get me some materials for the meeting tomorrow, some equipment to show to a customer. He dropped it off incomplete with just enough equipment to "look" right but when I started getting ready, it wasn't all there, including some very tricky things that are camoflauged to look like they're there...hmmm. After some last-minute scrambling (I always have a plan B like any brilliant person should...), I think I have discovered a work-around.

My gut reaction is to not give this jerk the satisfaction of knowing that he inconvenienced me. My original knee-jerk reaction was to punch his lights out the next time I see him (really grown-up attitude, huh?), but I'm trying to zen out and not think that way. He has done this every time I rely on him for help (a necessity in our company, but I'm trying to figure out how to avoid this now)--it's at least the 4th occurrence. He's a peer, and it's been a somewhat contentious relationship since he came 2 years ago. Aside: I get along with most of my peers, but I have been the highest producing employee of our company for 2 of the last 3 years and have received a bunch of awards, so I think that sticks in his craw a little and he is determined to bring me down a few pegs.

Went to the manager before, no effect. Mentioned it to the manager above him, and he didn't want to hear it--it even made me look a little like a whiner, like: "just work it out". Besides, I may be up for a promotion, and, if I'm promoted, I would be this guy's boss. If I document a big conflict with this moron, it could prevent me from getting the promotion.

Sorry for the ramble. I'll get back to work and finish off my notes for the meeting tomorrow. Peace out!


PS. Do you realize how hard it is to set the alarm for 6:22 AM when you are setting it at 2:58 AM?

PPS. Plan B worked! Even better than Plan A would have... So there!

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