05 April 2005

I guess I'm the April Fool

There are some people whom I avoid on April 1st. It's not that I can't take a joke--and I really can dish it out sometimes. My problem is that I just get tired of being on my guard all day.

This year, one of our key guys quit on April 1st. Of course, I didn't believe it for 3 days.

It made complete logical sense for him to leave that day--it was the end of our fiscal year and everything that could possibly ship out had been sent, therefore, his sales queue is empty and he'll get commission on everything he has coming...Additionally, he was known to be in a relatively disgruntled state almost constantly. But because of the day, I just couldn't bring myself to believe it.

I cry "wolf" perhaps a bit too often--just to be funny, of course. It probably doesn't help that I like to play "silly story" with Ryan, where I start off telling a story, like: We went to the park and rode bikes (true). Ryan was going very fast (true). (then we go for silly hyperbole:) All of a sudden, Ryan saw a truck parked with a board in the back coming down like a ramp. Ryan rode the bike as fast as he could and jumped out of the back of the truck. (then sillier:) While he was in the air, he hit a duck that was flying south for the winter. (then sillier:) And he reached up and grabbed the Goodyear blimp, which was coming by--I had to follow him around until he decided to let go and let me catch him. Ryan at this point is giggling and laughing out loud. And the sillier the better.

But Fran is sneaky--she picks her moments and subtly draws me in...

On April 1st, she was packing up Ryan's lunch for a field trip, and came around the corner with his lunch in a shiny pink Victoria's Secret bag (for some reason, my mind is wandering around at this point...). She very straight-faced put the bag on the corner for him to grab while running out the door for school.

So I'm stuck with the dilemma: Of course a kindergartener's masculinity shouldn't be questioned, and it's very likely that none of the kids will know where that bag came from; but why take a chance? The bag was, however, the perfect size and we were searching around for one that he could use that is disposable, as stipulated in the field trip instructions. Am I just being too sensitive about this? Hell no I'm not!

So I protested--and Fran broke out in a huge smile and pointed at me: "Gotcha!"

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