23 August 2005

False creations proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain...

I almost went into a heat-induced fugue today. I was driving around, frustrated about a bunch of things, mostly work, including someone who isn't going to let me work on their new project with them (it's not completely lost yet). I drove right by the airport and spotted the Texas Ranger's airplane (sorry, no photo) and was tempted to just get on a plane heading...anywhere cooler. I seriously contemplated just taking a day off and going somewhere. Maybe an amusement park?

Last week I had a fantasy about having to go into the hospital where I could just lay around for a couple of days, have food brought to me, read books, maybe even catch some TV or a movie. No phones, people with attitudes trying to get through workdays without actually having to do anything, etc. Maybe they would even consider being a little nicer to me...nah (it's not really just me, anyway).

Actually, it was more about being frustrated and angry than wanting to get away. I mentioned it to my wife and she paused for a moment, then quietly said, "Well, I guess I'm glad you didn't go..."

So I guess that's a good sign.

I had to go to Wal-Mart today during working hours. Yeah, yeah--I'm sure you think I was goofing off, but it was actually the 4th place where I was looking for something that I needed for an installation job.

My company made this plastic piece that threads inside a pipe, and I guess they use that high-pitched"whiirrrrr, whiirrrrr" machine that they put your tire lug nuts on with to tighten these things into the pipe--last time I tried to undo it I had a blister across my thumb (that ain't workin'...Money for nothin', chicks for free...-Gar, that one was for you) for about a week. So I thought I would get smart and get one of those (what in the HELL do you call that?) jar-lid- traction-increasing-rubber-pad mechanisms.

Two grocery stores and a drug store later, no thingie found--I thought I saw those things everywhere. Here's an excerpt from a plea for help:

Me: "I'm looking for something, can you help me?"

Customer service clerk (just awakened from a micronap): "Oh, you can't find it?"

Me: "Uh, no. It's one of those rubber things you use to open a jar lid"

Clerk: "A can opener? Aisle 3."

Me: "No, not exactly a can opener. It's kind of like a rubber pad to open jars"

C: "No, you don't need anything for those."

Me (slowing my words down but surprisingly patient): "You know, for when they are very tight--for a better grip"

C: "Maybe you could wear gloves for that."

Me: "Okay, I'll think about that--thanks."

So...on to Super Wal-Mart (I'm a big fan, and don't understand people that don't like Wal-Mart. Hey, if you don't like it, go somewhere ELSE! It's America (and yes, I understand their stranglehold)).

So, I look in their 4 aisles of kitchen wares and can't see this anywhere. How could Wal-Mart not have one of these things (you know what I'm talking about, right? It was like a chess match--I was trying to anticipate the mentality of some far-off store planner and how they would insert one of those grip-thingies into their store so people would buy it. All of a sudden I was starting to think I had imagined the existence of these things). I had wasted an hour and had driven 5 miles trying to find it at 4 different stores.

Then it hit me and I knew exactly where to go...I took off quickly and I was right.

There it was--hanging on a hook right in front of rows and rows of jars filled with spaghetti sauce. Knight takes Bishop, checkmate. Genius?


Anonymous said...

You slay me!

BTW, didja try Turner's?

Mike's Drumbeats said...

Hello Anon:

a) very clever,indeed...I see thee yet in form as palpable as that which now I draw--my mind is but a fool o'er the other senses, or worth all the rest...

b) Why go to Turner when you have Wal-Mart and then, if you are lucky, Elliot's Hardware? Hopefully, I didn't miss another play on words in there...


Anonymous said...


gP said...


It was there. By the way, shes right you kno, you could have used a glove. :p

I know why people dont like wal mart...coz all the thinsg there are made in China and people all over the world are losing their jobs coz of China. Yes again, in Amerika i guess anything and everything goes.

Spagethi made me hungry.

Have a nice day Mike.

Anonymous said...

We have a drawer full of those thingies! Mel brought a handful of them to us one year, from all places-State Farm. She must stop by their office weekly, we have travel maps in every closet, a drawer full of rubber grip thingies, a stuffed Teddy bear with a State Farm t-shirt, all from her raids at the local State Farm office...

Mike's Drumbeats said...

That must be why my rates keep going up...

Seriously, what says "insurance" like prying the cap of a jar of applesauce?

Also, GP: Unfortunately, gloves would not have worked for this application--I wasn't taking a jar lid off, I needed a pad with traction that I could stuff down inside the tube, put my thumb inside, and unthread it. I tried different types of gloves but they were either too thin or too thick to fit inside the pipe.

Of course, after I searched for these things, I found two of them in my toolbox from a previous installation last year...

Thanks for all the comments!


Anonymous said...

OK, rubber stopper of 'just-the-right-size' with a carriage bolt through it. Washers on each side of the stopper, and a wingnut (no wise cracks...) to tighten the assy and expand the stopper. Hey Presto!!!! a tube unthreader thingy!!!!!

OK, waaaay more work than "frictious" digits but what the hey!!!!

Mike's Drumbeats said...

Gotta say, my anon friend, you have over-engineered this bad boy to the nth degree, but, next time I run into a problem, I'll definitely put the call out...

I have to ask, sorry to doubt:

Did you purposely use "slay" in your previous comment? If so, do you mind sharing with the rest of the class? Gotta know...

Anonymous said...

Occam's razor?

Anonymous said...

Yes other-anonymous, Occam's razor would quite do the trick - but this was a slaying in the comic sense.

Oh never mind...

Stop by for lunch and we'll discuss the fine points!

BTW, glad that Fran had a helluva time at Ikea! Can't wait to hear what she picked up!

Anonymous said...

Occam's razor applies to the pipe solution.

Perhaps the heat-oppressed brain hallucinates a dagger with which to slay...


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