04 August 2005

It's 1:38 AM

...and I am FREAKED OUT!!!

I just watched the Sixth Sense and I can't decide if the creepy skinny naked dude is going to break in and shoot me or if the creepy vomiting girl ghost is going to appear in front of me, but I'm pretty sure one of those things is going to happen. I hate that M Night Shamalamadingdong guy--he scares the crap out of me. Did you see Signs? AHHHH! Seriously, I just shivered typing that out. I hate scary movies-I don't know why I let myself watch them.

Also, seriously, I went into the bathroom and had to look behind the shower curtain for the vomiting ghost girl.

No sleeping for me tonight, I guess. Gotta stay up on the lookout for creepy naked skinny guy.

"I see dead people."

Here's the funniest movie line I ever accidentally quoted. Twenty of my coworkers and I were out of town and we went to a nice dinner. One guy and I were trading lines from "There's Something About Mary", and the whole room got kind of quiet right at the exact moment I blurted out "I work with retards." (a line from the movie). Whoops. The guy next to me didn't realize it was a movie line and serously was a little upset. I thought of that because he resigned today. He was a great guy and I'll miss him--maybe he'll have time to catch up on some movies...

No word from the marketing department.

There are some really cool blogs that you ought to check out.

In no particular order:

1. Shoplift Windchimes. Hey-if you click on the windchimes you can read his cool poems (I like Kite and Mockingbird the best). If I could really write, I would write like this guy. If you click on Click to Enter, he's got a very wacky blog. I liked it so much I almost left a comment, but then I got shy because I didn't want him to know how stupid I am.

2. Human+Universe. Okay--this one is great, but...This dude is a physicist from Malaysia and he's wicked smart. But in a deep, peaceful way. I love reading this blog, but it makes me feel dumb and like I'm not trying hard enough in life.

3. Treading Carefully. This is a girl from the UK. I think I just like her writing style--her blog seems very personal, like someone is secretly transcribing her diary online. She seems almost shy. I did leave a comment and then felt very self-conscious about it, like it embarrassed her or something. Just read it--she's witty and well-spoken.

4. Vat is das sheit? This one may fool you at first, maybe even in a couple of ways. It is an Indian girl (living in Canada, but her heart is back in India, and many of the readers and commenters are Indian) who is very smart, but writes almost in a simplistic fashion. Much of the time her writing is actually riddles and double-meanings.

5. Parliament of Fools Okay, to be honest I haven't read this one more than 5 seconds. Five seemed like a nice round number. But this seemed to have a bunch of cool references to weird books. The idea as like the Oprah Book Club, which, oddly, I am a member of (?). I think. But anyway, everyone gets together and reads a book together and they have a discussion. It's just starting up.

I hope you enjoy. Now I'm done--it's 1:56 and I'm headed downstairs to thwart the vomiting girl ghost.


gP said...

MIKE! U linked me! Thanx buddy...i like to read your blog too...and am not dat supersmart...heheh...just like reading alot!!!

Mike's Drumbeats said...

Here's a follow-up note:

My wife, Fran, who does not get fearful watching this kind of movie, started watching The Sixth Sense and it freaked her out, too. I was asleep and she was watching it by herself at around midnight. My son, Ryan, came down the stairs unexpectedly and she almost had a heart attack!