13 September 2005

Great Google-y Moogley

Google's great, right?

You can pretty much get whatever information you want by using it. Sometimes I get distracted by stuff that would be cool to Google, stuff that I think of that I pretty much think nobody else is thinking about.

Movie lines ("Badges, we don't need no stinking badges")
Poems (Theme in Yellow)
Lyrics (Bob Marley's "Is this Love?"
Goofy stuff I did as a kid ("What's inside Stretch Armstrong?")


People (Especially if they have weird names)

I was thinking about people that I had known in the past with weird names that would jump out on Google--then I remembered a random, weird guy that had a matching weird name: 7 (yes, the number).

Anybody that reads much of my humble little blog knows that I try not to throw out real names if I can avoid it, but I used this guy's name because:

1) He's a jerk
2) Somethings are so funny you just can't make it up
3) Wasn't that a Seinfeld?
4) What could I possibly replace it with? another number?

I was involved in an unpleasant "negotiation" with this guy in my former life as company management over a period of about a year--they withheld a huge sum of money that they owed us and I ended up being the "bad cop", sending letters to his Board of Directors at their homes, calling and yelling at him, setting up meetings with our lawyers, and hammering out our case emphatically to encourage them to settle so the court fees and delays didn't kill us. After a year, "good cop" went in for the kill and closed the deal. We actually came out ahead on the deal after all of that!

Anyway, I Google'd him the other day because he had a weird last name, too which I wish I could erase from my head by shaking vigorously like an Etch-a-sketch (Nope, didn't work). Turns out he's a big game hunter in Africa. Good, I hope he gets gored in the ass by a Thompson's gazelle....

Google is great for people with ADD (I'd say I'm at least borderline).

You can just sit and type anything and surf through your obsession. I wonder if my Google history paints a good picture of what's on my mind, like a Rorschach test:

Here's my last several entries:

1) When did they start serving breakfast at McDonald's? (A: 1977--did this for a short story I'm writing)
2) Truman Capote (obsessed)
3) Truman Biography (For my TR blog entry--had to make sure McCullough wrote it and didn't want to go downstairs and check)
4) Texas Parks and Wildlife (hunting license)
5) "7" and "safari" (20 million possibilities so no one lets this idiot know I'm writing about him)
6) Braum's ice cream (don't know--guess I was hungry--Double dip Hot Fudge Sundae!)
7) Smoking cigarettes (not sure about this one)

Add these up and what do you get? Dunno...but I welcome your comments and analysis...

Google: It's almost "Giggle".
You heard it here first.


Mike's Drumbeats said...

Hey, here's a great marketing scheme: Let's get people to LIKE us by annoying the holy hell out of them with pestering Spam Emails and pop-up ads! GREAT IDEA!!!!

What's wrong with you morons? Are you taking stupid pills?

Thanks for visiting and the warm, heartfelt comments. Fantastic marketing strategy you have here, I have a website called Mike's Drumbeats--it's pretty much aimed at the above 50 IQ demographic, so no one is likely going to accidentally buy something from your moronic scheme. Thanks for playing.

Anonymous said...

online, free of charge! It doesn’t matter if your enterprise is a purely online or offline venture,