22 September 2005

Just one Haiku today

Search and, sadly, see
joy, pain, mirth, ecstasy, ache.
Some see a wasteland.


I have this really good friend that I go and visit occasionally. Every once in a while we've enjoyed lunch together. He's such a nice guy, a great conversationalist, and he's fabulously brilliant in a neat, analytical way. One thing that he's great at is very quick-witted wordplay, which I get a huge kick out of. It's just fun to throw things back and forth and I am always challenged to make sure I'm not missing any zingers that he's hurling past me in our conversations.

One time I asked him, "Do you find it hard to find people who can follow you?"

And he replied, "It's a freakin' wasteland out there."

I visited with him on Wednesday, and something else came up. He repeated the same thing: "Man, it's just a wasteland!"

I stayed up all night working, then had to deal with a sick 6-year old at 4:00 AM. I was pretty worn out and finishing up my project and his words kept haunting me as I worked away at my desk:

"It's a wasteland."

Or is it?

I never wrote out my thoughts from reading Shogun, because I felt a little silly rehashing ideas that were fictional (albeit likely based on good research) and also probably was read by all the rest of the world (although this directly clashes with the "wasteland" idea). But here was an idea that I liked: The concept of the 3 hearts. One is the heart you wear in your mouth for everyone to see. The second is a more private heart for family and close friends. The third is the heart that is of utmost privacy with yourself.

Many of my friends whom I have told about my blog have mentioned to me that they felt a little uncomfortable reading my blog since there was a lot of private information in it--I think they are used to seeing heart #1 and it freaks them out to see heart #2, sitting there in black and white.

The "public heart" is the front that a lot of people put out there for others to see. Some have it heavily armored and never let others beyond the surface. I've been frustrated in the past with trying to move beyond trivial conversation and talk about "real" things, but then again that type of conversation can't be contrived-it has to be sincere.

It made me sad to think of all these wonderful and sometimes sad things happening to people that I'll never know about. It also makes me sad that sometimes I lose faith that there really is something spiritual inside these people--they aren't soulless zombies.

There it is--mystique demystified.


Stormfilled said...


Not sure where abouts in Texas you are, but hope you and your family are far from Rita. You all take care.

gP said...

HYe Mike, plz stay safe and stay indoor and if it gets worst, pack ur bags ! Hope youre all ok.

Anonymous said...

Hi Stormfilled:

Thanks for the compliment. You brought yourself to the brink of typing "ya'll", didn't you? hmmmm? Well, now you know how I feel when you guys say "whilst" (giggle) :)


Thanks for the nice thoughts. These hurricanes are really after us this year, aren't they? My family is great, so no worries--we're far inland (Dallas)--in fact I didn't even see the ocean til I was about 20!


gP said...

i used to eat fried chicken heart and liver until the day I learned that chicken livers a chemical factories...

Blogs started out to publicly write and spread our ideas and life. If the blogger wants it to be private, then there is a function at the settings tab to make the blog private.

But there is no information too private, if its a good read then people will like it anyway. MAybe because its a wasteland out there full of opportunist, people are afraid to put too much info...not like were putting our ATM pin number (and mailing them our credit card or ATM card...) hahahah

I display my 1st and 2nd heart too. SOmetimes my poems displays my 3rd heart.

Anonymous said...

actually, i think that your friend may have been thinking of an 'intellectual' wasteland. from what you write i can't imagine that he'd have the hubris to contemn others for their own emotional 'duck-and-cover'.
give him my best when you see him :)


Mike's Drumbeats said...

Hey Anon:

What the heck do you know, anyway?


Why don't you write your own damned haiku then? (ha ha)

Art is really in the eye of the beholder, isn't it? Is it possible for two people to have a conversation and it mean different things to each person?

Anonymous said...

ha! (as my friend would say)
yes, it *is* possible for two to have a conversation and two to have a different perspective. this is especially true when one is peri-senile, and the same is twitterpated :) (look *that* one up)

you and your friend oughta compare notes over coffee, don'tcha think?

ciao fer now!