26 September 2005

Weird Weekend

Here are the top 10 weird things I experienced this weekend:

1) Friday night, Fran and I went out with another couple WITHOUT KIDS. This was very nice, but it puts pressure on you to be interesting and act like an adult. That was a little tough.

2) Obsessed about my blog--nearly 4000 hits since June. About 20-30 hits a day, mostly by people who don't leave comments, but that's okay. 170 verbosely-worded entries on my blog, over 210 on my lonely little photo blog.

3) Continuation of #2--had someone come up and comment on my blog--someone I didn't realize was reading, but I'm glad he did--He's a cool guy. But he mentioned that my posts are long. Oh, well.

4) I was mowing the yard when Hurricane Rita's weather came through--could palpably feel the change in atmospheric pressure and temperature drop--large gusts of wind, ominous, solid grey clouds whirling overhead, an oddly beautiful deep blue color to the sky in the northeast. Don--do you have any pictures you could send? He told me he got a shot of a beautiful rainbow as the hurricane blew in and then...blackness. Lost power overnight and the next day fired up the grill and invited everyone from the block to come over for a party (That's so Don).

5) Had a dream Friday night that the police were chasing me through my neighborhood because I was speeding 75 mph in a 40 mph zone. I looked down and Ryan (my son) was riding in the front seat with no carseat, which caused even more concern--I turned off on a dead-end road near our neighborhood and made Ryan get in the backseat in his carseat. Then I realized I was dreaming, turned the dead-end into a through road covered with trees to mask me from the cops and even had them speed, lights blazing, without turning to follow me...

6) Saturday AM, wandered through my house looking for a (ahem) Journey CD to load onto my Ipod. Depressed not to find one. It is one of my last remaining secret guilty pleasures.

7) Gave up on Journey (bet Fran hid my CD to save me from myself) and loaded: Tracey Chapman and Norah Jones. When I was in college, I got totally turned off by a little blonde pixie-like girl who was a huge Tracey Chapman fan because I didn't get her music at all (Tracey) . Wow--things change--I love it now. (hmmm..."Fast Car"--see #5: coincidence?)

8) I actually typed the word "Giggle" multiple times this weekend (To quote Dragline from "Cool Hand Luke": "Now what kind of thing is that for a grown man?")

9) Watched the Dallas Cowboy football game and gave up on them after the 1st quarter--then, like a true fairweather fan, came back and cheered in the 4th quarter as they won 34-31...

10) Most embarrassing, almost omitted item: I was taking a nap on the couch Sunday and Fran was buzzing around the house. I woke up and pretended to fall off the couch with a loud thud, just so Fran would think it's funny (and instead of being ticked off at me for taking a nap while she was working). (Here's another joke I played on her one time--she hates amphibians, and during the spring we tend to get salamanders running through the house occasionally, which causes her to shriek loudly and drives her crazy. I got a foot-long plastic iguana and glued it to the inside of our pantry door so when she went searching for bread or something she came face to face with the red-eyed beast--it freaked her out!). Back to falling off the couch--she is still convinced that I was just so out of it that I just flopped off--she laughed for half an hour--I know, we need to get out more...


gP said...


Man...u dreamt of getting chased by the cops...some say dreams come true..i mean the night dreams are prenomitions of something that happened...ok I dowanna scare u that much...

You had a photo blog! Y never tell!!!!

Hows life and family, hope everythings well...stay safe bro.

Anonymous said...

Hello ##NAME##, I was interested to see your blog although I was actually searching for supercars information. But your blog caught me eye, and is one of the better ones out there. Good blog. Cheers! John ##LINK##