25 May 2005

Proof that I'm paranoid

Right after I posted my bitch session about Apple using scare tactics to sell me an extended warranty, my blog totally crashed.

I tried Nicole's blog--hers worked--although she hasn't updated in, like, a week.
Tried Don's--his still had nothin'. So all was good there.
Tried a couple of other blogs--seemed to be working.

Then I thought...hmmm. Is Apple a sponsor to blogspot?

Then-more dramatically--

Maybe they're shutting me down for bashing them? Did they pull the plug?

Took me about 30 minutes before I tried "help"--for some reason, "help" seems to be my last resort...

It said that some members would experience intermittent problems during the evening...duh!

The other day, I was doing my boredom thing when I hit "Next Blog"--I got a psycho programmer blog with ransom note font saying something like "YoU wiLL NeVer KnoW HOw UnHApPy I Am RIghT NoW!!!" I'm telling you right now, don't try to find it (I worded it differently so you wouldn't find it even if you try). It totally hung my computer up and I couldn't get it to stop. Even by killing the program. Couldn't even log off.

Sneaky bastard!

I got blog-bombed.

It took me running virus scan about 3 times on my computer to get it completely up and going again. But no harm done.

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