27 January 2005

Let's delete this blog

Okay, I've kind of had a down week. Very productive, but I'm in a pretty pissed off mood and I've been pissing off everyone I've come into contact with, so, yes, it's me.

So...I'm sometimes impulsive and do stuff like delete my whole blog just because I'm pissed off...but I'm not going to do it today.

Based on to some reactions to my writing, perhaps that would be the best thing--in fact, I think I'm not going to write THAT book and maybe have to start over--I guess that was just an easy way out...

Anyway, so I totally bitched someone out in an Email, which, of course makes great documentation. Here's an excerpt: "perhaps there is a 5 minute "look-in-the-file-behind-my-desk solution to this question instead of a "let's-run-Mike-all-over-town-for 2-hours solution". Is that really THAT offensive? So, the manager calls me on a "mission" to tell me how that's inappropriate, but I gotta get one more dig in "Hey, maybe your telephone call should be to the other 12 sheep in our company who are shuffling all over town because they don't challenge this administrator who needs to wipe her chocolate-dipped oreo-eating fingers off before she handles any more of my shit." Seriously, this is what I said "Maybe you should be more outraged by people who are supposed to be front-line producers who don't object to these people who shift the burden of administrative tasks to them and take them right off the front line. Someone who gives me tasks that have me running all over town to track down serial #'s that are in the file behind them is offensive, because it interferes with my already packed schedule. If other people have holes enough in their schedule to insert such non-productive tasks...hmmmm."

Well, I got to make my point, but, knowing he was on a mission, acknowledged that I should watch my tone so I don't sound like I'm attacking people personally (and no, I didn't use the oreo fingers thing (but it IS true!)).

So, as you can tell--perhaps it is best if I don't write right now...

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