31 January 2005

Just in case you were wondering

Ouch! I just had quite an experience that I would like to share with the world...I'm a big believer in listening to advice from others. I mean, I consider the source, so if a homeless guy advises me to invest in Enron or something, or like when my mom told me "Don't worry, just charge the hell out of your Sears card when you get a new house--everyone does that and just pays it off over time" (okay, on that one, I actually listened and paid the price).

My buddy brought me some cool stuff from Africa, including a Masai "beat yo ass over the head" club (If I EVER figure out how to put pictures on my Blog, it will go right here ->)

For some reason (here in Texas, we have a joke: What's the last thing a redneck says before he dies? A: "Hey ya'll, watch this!") I thought--what would a Masai head-beating club SMELL like?

The answer is...it smells kinda like campfire smoke, also like Masai BO (I've now seen pictures of the way they carry this club tucked into their pants, which I'm trying to forget), and...hmmm...something else....


So just in case you were wondering, just take my advice and visualize it rather than experiencing it.

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